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Sobre mí


After the creation of your e-portfolio, record a video in which you introduce yourself, in Spanish, to your classmates. You may choose to share a bit about your academic and/or personal interests, where you are from, experience with other languages, and anything else you find relevant. Your video should be at least 20-30 seconds long.


The content may be similar to that of your introductory monologue video in SPAN 1010, but you must create a new video. This is meant to help you get to know your peers and serve as a point of comparison to your work later in the semester. Be as conversational as possible; you are not being graded on grammatical accuracy.

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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Honor Pledge: On my honor as a student I have neither given nor recieved aid on this assignment.


-- Erin Mahon

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