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 "A strong body makes for a strong mind." -- Thomas Jefferson (1785)


My name is Jordan Brooks, I am from San Diego, California.


There is no doubt in my mind that the former president of the United States, knowledgeable farmer, and neoclassical architect, had this very thought when he designed the University of Virginia, such is the expanse of this campus. I would know, of course, as I am a resident of this too large and too beautiful university, and have had the great liberty of exploring a large part of it.


Now, perhaps, you are wondering why a student from California would be interested in a university that is so distant from home--on the opposite coast of the country?




I must admit that I am also originally from Hampton, Virginia. I had only lived in California for four years before returning this state, a move that my too sheltered--at least, I felt that that was the case--mind and senses yearned to experience. My father's job presented the opportunity of moving to another state and I certainly did not dissuade him from taking up the offer. I wanted to try something new, experience a culture that was so incredibly different what'd I'd seen. I wanted to find a new part of myself, to diversify my views and perspectives, to expand my knowledge on local societies and--eventually--the world, and, though fear shortly followed my compliance, I saw this as an opportunity to do all of the above.


I am proud to say that I was not wrong.


Within this ePortfolio, I will do my hardest to detail all that I have experienced these past few years and how these moments have shaped who I am at present, and how they have shaped my desires for the future.



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