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Peer Commenting Log Instructions

Engaging in the virtual community on your e-portfolio is an important part of your development as a language learner. In order for your instructor to keep up with the comments in an organized manner, you will need to copy the comments that you make this semester on your classmates' entradas, proyectos, + actividades and paste them on your comment log on your own Digication e-portfolio. 


Instructions: After you post your comment(s) on your classmates' work, you will copy and paste the time stamp as well as the comment:


Actividad 2: ¡Nos presentemos commentarios! 

Matthew Street, Sunday January 14 @ 8:30 p.m.

Hi Sara, I too went to a large high school and ran track. It seems like you have a large family, where I am an only child. I also prefer dogs over cats. 


(complete steps for each additional comment)


You will begin the semester commenting on your peers' work in English, then you will begin to comment in Spanish as detailed in prompt instructions are indicated by your instructor. Below are the instructions for the activities that will need peer comments: 


Actividad 2: ¡Nos presentamos! (Reflexión)

  • Step 1: Select and watch 3 of your classmates videos. Comment on 3 of your classmates videos. Remember, you are not criticizing the pronunciation, grammar, or syntax of your fellow students. Instead, comment, in English (2-3 sentences) about their videos. What stood out in their videos? Then, return to your e-portfolio page and watch your own video a couple of times.

Entrada 2: Comentarios con los compañeros

  • Follow up: Read at least 3 blog post from classmates. Comment in English (you may comment in Spanish, but not required) in 2-3 sentences on the content. Do you agree with their representation of what is “in style”? Did they find an interesting Spanish language website that represents fashion in the Spanish speaking world? These questions are suggestions, but the most important thing is to engage in the virtual community outside of class.

Actividad 3: Reflexión y comentarios

  • Step 1: View and study at least 3 concept maps of your classmates. Comment on their maps regarding the following:
  • What do you find interesting on their organization and production of the concepts and vocabulary?
  • Did your classmates make connections that will help you study?
  • Write a comment of at least 2 sentences in English or Spanish on your classmates’ maps.

Entrada 3: Comentarios y reflexión

  • Paso 4: Ahora que Ud. escribió su blog sobre la comida, visite por lo menos 3 de los blogs de sus compañeros y comente si le gusta o no la comida que eligieron, si la quiere probar o no y si tiene buena pinta (looks good) o no etc. en 2-3 oraciones en español.

Proyecto Cultural 

  • Step 4: Comment on at least 3 of your peers' cultural projects. Write 2-4 sentences about what you learned, find interesting, etc. This commenting can be in English or Spanish.

Entrada 4: Comentarios con los compañeros

  • Paso 3: Lea por lo menos 3 anuncios de los compañeros en la clase. Escoja 1 casa o apartamento y escriba una solicitud/respuesta en el anuncio de su compañero un párrafo en español. ¿Por qué quiere esta casa o apartamento? Sea creativo e imagine (imagine) que tiene un nuevo trabajo en este país y necesita mudarse.
  • Por ejemplo: Soy un arquitecto recién graduado de la Universidad de Virginia y acabo de recibir un puesto en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Me gusta este apartamento porque está en el centro. Quiero un apartamento que tenga tres habitaciones con una piscina. No tengo coche así que necesito un apartamento cerca de mi trabajo.

Actividad 6: Reflexión sobre los monólogos

  • Step 1: Select and watch 4 of your classmates videos. Comment on 4 of your classmates videos. Remember, you are not criticizing the pronunciation, grammar, or syntax of your fellow students. Instead, comment in English (2-3 sentences) about their videos. What stood out in their videos? Then, return to your e-portfolio page and watch your own video a couple of times.

Proyecto de Video

  • Next, watch and comment in Spanish on every video before the Video Project class discussion. This means that you will watch the videos for your section (8-9 videos) and make meaningful comments regarding content, production, etc. Since the videos will be embedded on each student's e-portfolio, you only have to comment on one copy.

Please note that your instructor may ask you to comment on additional work. For every comment, please remember to copy and paste on your Comment Log.

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